Cardiac function

Arterial pressure | Venous pressure | ECG | Cardiac function | Cardiovascular support | Cardiopulmonary bypass
Fluid compartments | Shock | Renal failure | Potassium Balance | Calcium Balance
Thorax | Coronary circulation | Carotid circulation | Blood supply of brain


Cardiac output

Heart rate x stroke volume = 70mls/kg/min (approximately 5l/min)


Cardiac Index

Cardiac output / Body surface area = 2.2-2.5l/min/m2


Cardiac Cycle

Duration 0.8 - 0.9s

  1. Closure of mitral valve (systole)
  2. Opening aortic vavle
  3. Closure aortic valve (forms "dichrotic notch" - outward momentum)
  4. Opening mitral valve (ventricular filling)


EVD = 120mls, ESV = 40mls : Ejection fraction = 80/120 (67%)


In exercise

  1. Phases of cycle shorten
  2. Ventricular diastole disproportionately shorter - reduced filling time
  3. VFT offset by "atrial kick" for more filling 


Heart sounds

  1. Mitral / Tricuspid valve closure
  2. Aortic / Pulmonary valve closure
  3. Rapid ventricular filling
  4. Atrial contraction against stiff ventricle 


Determinants of Cardiac output

  1. Non-invasive
    • Pulse, HR, BP, urine output
    • ECG
    • Echo
  2. Invasive
    • Oseophageal doppler

    • PiCCO - Thermodilution
    • Swann-Ganz Pulmonary artery catheter

      Multi-lumen balloon-tipped flow-directed catheter; passed through right heart into pulmonary artery
      Reflects Left heart function: - "Wedge" forms continousc column of blood from left atrium (via lungs)
      Indications: (1) inotropic support (2) LV monitoring (3) Multi-organ failure


      • Direct
        1. Mean arterial pressure
        2. Mean pulmonary artery pressure
        3. Pulmonary artery occlusion pressure
        4. Ejection fraction
        5. Cardiac output - measured using indicator dilution / thermodilution technique (volume1-temp1 vs volume2-temp2)
        6. Heart rate
        7. Mixed venous oxygen saturation
      • Derived
        1. Cardiac index
        2. Stroke volume
        3. Systemic vascular resistance
        4. Pulmonary vascular resistance
        5. Oxygen delivery

        Systemic Vascular resistance

        (MAP - CVP)/CO X 80 = 900-1400 dyn/s/cm-5

        Pulmonary vascular resistance

        (MPAP - PAOP)/CO x 80 = 150-250dyn/s/cm-5

      • Complications of insertion:
        1. Any of the central line complications
        2. Cardiac arrythmias
        3. Valve injury: incompetence of TV or PV
        4. Pulmonary artery rupture
        5. Pulmonary infarction (if balloon kept wedged too long)
        6. Catheter knotting
        7. Sepsis