Shock / Bleeding / Haemorrhage


Acute circulatory failure resulting in inadequate tissue perfusion

  1. Distributive shock
  2. Obstructive shock


[Response to reduced circulating volume]



  1. Primary - at time of injury
  2. Reactionary - within 24hs (due to build up of blood pressure)
  3. Secondary - Thrombus degradation by infective organisms


Hormonal regulation of fluid volume (important in SHOCK)

  • Reduced circulating volume results in reduction of blood pressure
  1. Detected by carotid sinus/aortic arch baroreceptors: Sympathetic response
    • Catecholamine response - vasoconstriction to maintain BP, increase FOC, increase cardiac output
    • Stimulation of B2 adrenoceptors in kidneys kicks off RAS response
  2. Decrease in renal blood flow / renal perfusion pressure: Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone response
    • B2 stimulation releases renin; converts angiogensinogen to angiotensin I
    • angiotensin I converted to angiotensin II by ACE (in the lungs, also degrades bradykinin)
    • Angiotensin II potent vasoconstrictor
    • Angiotensin II stimulates the release of aldosterone (from zona glomerulosa) which promotes Na/water resorption from DCT
  3. Stress hormone release - corticosteroids from adrenal cortex
    • Salt/water retention
  4. Increase in plasma osmolarity: ADH (produced in paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei) response
    • Osmoreceptors detect a rise in osmolarity (from loss of volume)
    • Stimulates the release of vasopressin (aka anti-diuretic hormone) - potent vasoconstrictor
    • ADH (via increase cAMP, aquaporin) stimulates resorption of water from DCT/CCD
  5. Reduced renal perfusion stimulates EPO production (long term)
  • Increase in fluid volume
  1. Distention of cardiac atria - leads to release of ANP: promotes diuresis
  2. Increase in brain naturetic peptide (BNP increased in "cardiac failure")


Type Pathology Features Managment


...resulting from myocardial dysfunction

  • Cardiac index < 2.2l/min/m2 + PAOP > 16mmHg
  • Tissue hypoxia persists despite adequate volume replacement



  • AMI
  • Arrythmias
  • Stunning post bypass
  • Myocardial contusion
  1. Reduced cardiac index
    • Cool peripheries
    • Reduced CRT
    • Oliguria
    • Reduced consciousness
  2. Raised venous pressure
    • Pulmonary oedema
    • Raised JVP
    • Hepatomegaly from venous engorgement


  1. Right shift of Frank-Starling curve
  2. Progressive increase in oxygen demand
  3. Increased lactic acidosis


  • ECG: arrythmia, MI
  • CXR - Pulmonary oedema features: (1) Cardiomegaly (2) Kerley B lines above costophrenic angle (3) Interstitial shadowing of pulmonary oedema (4) Hilar "Bats wings" (5) upper lobe blood diversion
  • Echo - valvular lesions; estimation of ejection fraction, ventricular contractility
  • Pulmonary artery catherisation - elevated venous pressure, reduced cardiac index <2.2l/min/m2; PAOP >16mmHg, decreased venous sats
Hypovolaemic shock


  • Haemorraghic (may be occult)
  • Burns
  • Dehydration (inadequate intake, excess loss: DKA)

Severity of blood loss

  % Loss
Volume loss
Class I 0-15% <750mls
Class II 15-30% 750-1500mls
Class III 30-40% 1500-2000mls
Class IV >40% >2000mls
  1. Suspect occult loss
    • Fractures - pelvis (1-3l); femoral (1-2l); Tibial (0.5-1l)
    • Blunt chest/abdominal trauma
    • Obstetric haemorrhage: abruptio, placenta accreta, placenta previa
  2. Resuscitate
  3. Stop bleeding
Neurogenic (cf spinal shock) Loss of sympathetic outflow following spinal cord injury    
Septic Shock in the presence of sepsis



Organ dysfunction