SIRS / Sepsis / Multi-organ failure

SIRS (Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome)

Syndrome arising from body's reaction to critical illness

  1. 36 > Temperature > 38
  2. Tachycardia >90/min
  3. Tachypnoea > 20
  4. 4 > WCC > 12


  1. Phase I: Local acute inflammatory response (neutrophils, macrophages) + release of inflammatory cytokines
  2. Phase II: Systemic distribution of mediators (normally IL-10 ensures systemic response is limited)
  3. Phase III: Cytokine Storm leads to recognised outcomes TTTWCC



  1. Trauma / burns
  2. Sepsis 



  1. SIRS + Infective focus (cf bacteraemia - presence of viable bacteria in circulation)

MODS - Multi Organ Dysfunction Syndrome

Presence of altered and potentially reversible organ function in an acutely ill patient such that homeostasis cannot be maintained without intervention. 

  1. Primary MODS
    • Directly due to initial insult
  2. Secondary MODS
    • Occurs as result of SIRS
    • May be a latent period between initial event and subsequent organ failure

Organs affected

  1. Cardiovascular
  2. Lungs - ARDS, V/Q mismatch
  3. Kidneys - ARF
  4. Gut - ileus, bacterial translocation (mucosa sensitive to ischaemia, loses integrity and function)
  5. Liver - deranged LFTs
  6. Coagulation


Circulatory support
Ventilatory support
Renal support
Nutrition support