Renal failure
Inability of kidney to excrete nitrogenous / other waste products of metabolism
Develops over hours / days / months
Part of nephron most susceptible to injury = Thick ascending limb of the loop of henle
- Anatomy - reside in medulla - poorer oxygenation than cortex
- Metabolism - Active Na/K-ATPase pumps at membrane have high energy demand
Acute Renal failure |
Chronic renal failure | |
Causes |
Pathophysiology |
Recognition |
Complications |
Management |
Fill Optimise nutrition |
- U/Es
- Urine sodium and osmolarity
- Unable to concentrate urine
- Unable to retain sodiumPre-renal failure Urine Na >20 <40 Urine Osm <500 >350 Urine:plasma osmolality ratio <1.2 >1.2 - ECG
- USS kidneys