Renal Failure

Renal failure

Inability of kidney to excrete nitrogenous / other waste products of metabolism
Develops over hours / days / months


Part of nephron most susceptible to injury = Thick ascending limb of the loop of henle

  1. Anatomy - reside in medulla - poorer oxygenation than cortex
  2. Metabolism - Active Na/K-ATPase pumps at membrane have high energy demand


  Acute Renal failure
Chronic renal failure
  1. Pre-renal
    • "Circulatory"- see cardiac function / shock / fluid balance
  2. Renal
    • Acute tubular necrosis (ATN) - Paracetamol
    • Glomerulonephritis
    • Reno-vascular -NSAIDS (blocks production of vasodilatory PGE2)
    • Hepato-renal syndrome
  3. Post-renal - obstruction
    • Luminal: calculi
    • Mural:
    • Extraluminal: - extrinsic compression from pelvic tumours, prostatic hypertrophy, Abdominal compartment syndrome
  1. Pre-renal
  2. Renal
    • Congential: PCKD (extra-renal - cysts in liver, pancreas, spleen; berry aneurysms in circle of bruce willis, MV prolapse)
    • Glomerular: GN, Diabetes, Amyloid
    • Reno-vascular: hypertension, vasculitis, RAS
    • Tubular/interstitial: interstitial nephritis, pyelonephritis
  3. Post-renal
    • Chronic outflow obstruction: calculi, prostatic enlargement, pelvic tumours
  1. Parenchymal ischaemia -> reduced perfusion pressure
    • Vasoconstriction of efferent arteriole (to maintain RBF); maintains pressure across Glomerulus
    • Results in reduced blood supply to tubules from efferent arteriole and vasa recta
    • Worsens cortical / medullary ischaemia
  2. Tubular ischaemia + necrosis leads to shedding of cells into lumen
    • Results in luminal obstruction
  3. Promotes "back leak" of tubular fluid into interstitium
    • Increases interstitial hydrostatic pressure
    • Worsens tubular fluid resorption
  1. Oliguria
    • <400ml/day urine
  2. Reduced GFR
    • Raised urea / creatinine
  3. Electrolyte inbalance
    • Hyponatraemia
    • Hyperkalaemia
    • Metabolic acidosis
    • Hypocalcaemia
  4. Urine composition changes
  1. Blood results
    • trends from previously
  2. Signs / symptoms of long-standing disease
    • skin pigmentation, chronic anaemia (lack of EPO), pruritis, nocturia
  3. USS / imaging
    • Bilateral small kidneys
    • Scarred kidneys
  1. Fluid dynamics
    • Acute pulmonary oedema / fluid overload
  2. Electrolyte balance
    • Hyperkalaemia - arrythmias
  1. Hypertension
    • (RAS)
    • Fluid retention
  2. Anaemia
    • Deficiency in EPO
    • Bone marrow fibrosis (from osteitis fibrosa cystica)
    • Red cell fragility caused by uraemic toxins
  3. Renal osteodystrophy
    • Reduced renal production of 1-alpha-OH Vit D
    • Leads to hypocalcaemia and secondary hyperparathyroidism (forming bone cysts - osteitis fibrosa cystica)
    • Reduced bone mineralisation and resultant osteomalacia
    • Hyperphosphataemia due to reduced renal function
  4. Uraemia
    • From "uraemic toxins"
    • Skin pigmentation, nausea, malaise, itch
  5. Neurological


  1. Pre-renal
    • Optimise filling / cardiac output
    • Careful fluid-balance: aim for even balance (fluid charts etc)
  2. Renal
    • Stop nephrotoxic drugs (care with drugs undergoing renal excretion)
    • Manage GN
  3. Post-renal
    • Catherise
    • Monitor urine output


Furosemide boluses (if well filled)
Intropes: Dopamine (increase RBF + contractility)
"Renal rescue" - GTN / Dopamine / Aminophylline / Frusemide

Optimise nutrition

Renal replacement therapy

  1. Hypertension
    • Loop diuretics
    • Fluid restriction
  2. Anaemia
    • EPO injections
  3. Bone disease
    • Improve mineralisation
    • Vitamin D supplements
    • Gut phosphate binders
  4. Diet
  5. Dialysis/filtration


  • U/Es
  • Urine sodium and osmolarity
    - Unable to concentrate urine
    - Unable to retain sodium
    Pre-renal failure 
    Urine Na >20 <40
    Urine Osm <500 >350 
    Urine:plasma osmolality ratio <1.2  >1.2 
  • ECG
  • USS kidneys