Electrocardiography (ECG)


Sino-Atrial Node

Elliptical area at junction of SVC and Right atrium

Atrio-Ventricular Node

Triangular area of right atrial wall just above septal cusp of tricuspid valve


Lead positions

  1. Limb leads
    • Right arm
    • Left arm
    • Left leg
  2. Chest leads
    • V1: 4ICS Right sternum
    • V2: 4ICS Left sternum
    • V3: Midway between V2/4
    • V4: Apex 5ICS MCL
    • V5: 5ICS AAL
    • V6: 5ICS MAL

  • P-wave: passage of current across atrium
  • PR interval: time from SA node to ventricle
  • QRS: Ventricular depolarisation 0.12s
  • QT: Time from ventricular depolarisation to full repolarsiation (rate dependent) hence QTc = corrected for heart rate (QT/rootRR interval) = Bazett's formula
  • T-wave: ventricular myocardial repolarisation
  • J-wave; J-point is at junction of Swave and ST segment (may be seen in hypothermia)
  • U-wave: Prominent in hypokalaemia


Sinus Tachy: exercise, pain, pyrexia, shock, hyperthyroidism, anaemia, drugs
Sinus Brady: Atheletes, hypothyroidism, (Cushing reflex), drugs - B-blockers


Supra-ventricular tachycardias

  1. Atrial ectopics
  2. SVTs
  3. AF / Fibrillation


  1. First degree heart block
  2. Second degree heart block
    • Mobitz type I: Wenkenbach
    • Mobitz type II: 2:1 / 3:1 block
  3. Third degree (complete) heart block