"Vagal Nerve Stimulation For Drug Refractory Epilepsy"

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#quotVagal #Nerve #Stimulation #Drug #Refractory #Epilepsyquot

Title of the Video: “Vagal Nerve Stimulation For Drug Refractory Epilepsy”

The above video is part of the publication with information mentioned below

Citation of the Original article: Chandra PS, Samala R, Agrawal M, Doddamani RS, Ramanujam B, Tripathi M. Vagal Nerve Stimulation for Drug Refractory Epilepsy. Neurol India 2020;68, Suppl S2:325-7.

Link to access the original article: https://www.neurologyindia.com/article.asp?issn=0028-3886;year=2020;volume=68;issue=8;spage=325;epage=327;aulast=Chandra

Pubmed link:

This a video publication of the Neurology India (Official Journal of Neurological Society of India) November-December 2020 Volume 68 | S2


Disclaimer: This video shows a neuro-surgical procedure. The video is meant purely for educational purpose. It is not meant to endorse any surgeon, physician, hospital or institute. It does not also endorse any product/ medical device/ drug.

"Vagal Nerve Stimulation For Drug Refractory Epilepsy"

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