#UTI #urinary #tract #infection #यरन #इनफकशन #यरन #म #जलन #क #करण #और #इलजDrSantosh #Kumar #PGI
UTI, urinary tract infection, यूरिन इन्फेक्शन यूरिन में जलन के कारण और इलाज||Dr.Santosh Kumar PGI
Hello Friends,
I am Prof.(Dr.) Santosh Kumar urology department, PGI, Chandigarh. In this video explained about UTI, urinary tract infection, यूरिन इन्फेक्शन यूरिन में जलन के कारण और इलाज| watch this video to know everything about urinary tract infection’s causes, symptoms, and best treatment.
My Introduction: I am Prof.(Dr.)Santosh Kumar dedicated urologist with a track record of treating advance and complicated urological cases like Prostate cancer, kidney cancer, bladder, stones, and reconstructive surgery. I am working in PGI, Chandigarh for the last 27 years.
I am a proactive and high-performing professional committed to achieving the best possible outcome for each and every patient. I have done more than 25000 surgeries. I have published more than 150 publications in the national & International Journal of Repute.
I have presented more than 50 papers in international & more than 100 papers at national conferences. I got awarded various prestigious awards by the urological society of India and the Robotic urology forum.
I have started and establish many new surgical procedures in PGI, Chandigarh. I have established various surgical techniques to improve the outcome of the patient and reduce his suffering.
More than 10 new surgical procedure is on with my name Dr.Santosh Kumar. I always develop great rapport with patients, with affectionate and caring nature.
prostate cancer |Kidney stone symptoms |bladder infection symptoms|in Hindi Dr.Santosh Kumar PGI.
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My Social Links:
Youtube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJLIdkGi7uVeZzb6J1tW26w
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Blog – http://www.drsantoshkumarpgi.com/blog/
Email – drsantoshurolopgiurology@gmail.com
#drsantoshkumarpgi #uti #urinarytractinfection #uti