Chevron Osteotomy

Posted by - December 15, 2020

#Chevron #Osteotomy [ad_1] “A bunion, medically known as a Hallux Valgus forms when the big toe points towards the second toe, forcing the first metatarsal head to stick out medially. A bunionectomy with correction of the deformity via osteotomy is a surgical procedure to correct a bunion. This involves removing some of the prominence on

Chevron Osteotomy

ACL Tear

Posted by - December 8, 2020

#ACL #Tear [ad_1] “Tears of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) are most commonly caused by having the upper-leg displaced backwards or sideways by impact, while the lower leg is in a stable position, or by pivoting or jumping. This animation illustrates a complete tear of the ligament as a crucial stabilizing ligament, a torn anterior

ACL Tear