Mouth and Tongue

The Tongue

  • Buccal / pharyngeal portion separated by sulcus terminalis
  • Foramen caecum (blind ending window) = embryological development of thyroid
  • In front lie row of vallate papillae
  • Under tongue is frenulum linguae

  • Filiform papillae
  • Fungiform papillae


Nerve Supply

  1. Motor
    • XII: All except palatoglossus
    • XI via pharyngeal branch of X: palatoglossus
  2. Sensory
    • Anterior 2/3: Lingual branch of V (common sensation) + Chorda tympani of VII (gustatory)
    • Posterior 1/3: IX common + gustatory


Blood supply

  • Lingual branch of external carotid artery


Lymphatic drainage

Lymphoid ring of Waldeyer

Palatine tonsils, adenoids, lympoid nodules

Muscles of the tongue



  1. Intrinsic (4) - within tongue (supplied by hypoglossal)
    • Vertical
    • x2 horizonal
    • Transverse
  2. Extrinsic (4) - on the outside of the tongue; affects position
    • Genioglossus (12)
    • Hyoglossus (12)
    • Styloglossus (12)
    • Palatoglossus (9th via pharyngeal branch of 10)


Floor of mouth

  • Formed by mylohyoid (forms diaphragm from mylohyoid line to hyoid bone)
  • Digastricus, SM gland and SM lymph nodes
  • Above mylohyoid are tonuge muscles with SL gland