The Tongue
Nerve Supply
Blood supply
Lymphatic drainage Lymphoid ring of Waldeyer Palatine tonsils, adenoids, lympoid nodules |
Muscles of the tongue
- Intrinsic (4) - within tongue (supplied by hypoglossal)
- Vertical
- x2 horizonal
- Transverse
- Extrinsic (4) - on the outside of the tongue; affects position
- Genioglossus (12)
- Hyoglossus (12)
- Styloglossus (12)
- Palatoglossus (9th via pharyngeal branch of 10)
Floor of mouth
- Formed by mylohyoid (forms diaphragm from mylohyoid line to hyoid bone)
- Digastricus, SM gland and SM lymph nodes
- Above mylohyoid are tonuge muscles with SL gland