#Prolapse #uterus #uterine #prolapse #uterus #anatomy #Stomach #Raj #kumar #meena #lecture
Prolapse of uterus / uterine prolapse || uterus anatomy -7 || Stomach || M means medicos
Concerning the vedio —
prolapse of uterus / uterine prolapse
protudes of the uterus via vagina
slips or sagging of uterus
1) causes of uterus prolapse
2) signs of uterine prolapse
3)Classification of uterine prolapse
4) phases of uterus prolapse
5) prognosis of uterus prolapse
6) therapy of uterus prolapse
#uterusanatomy-7in m means medicos
Telegram channel hyperlink -M means medicos
Telegram channel title — M means medicos
uterus anatomy pdf– https://t.me/rajkm98/91
prolapse of uterus/uterine prolapse pdf — https://t.me/rajkm98/88
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E-mail id — rajkm980@gmail.com
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