#Nursing #books #Ive #Diploma #Enrolled #Nursing #Bachelor #Nursing #Science
Hey guys!
This video was requested by you since a long time ago! I sincerely apologise for not being able to film it earlier due to my crazy life schedule.
At first I wanted to upload this video in two parts discussing my nursing books that I have used throughout my nursing school and then books that I used for my personal development towards my knowledge in healthcare. But then I thought I will just make it as one video, but put the time guide for you to help you to skip some parts if it`s not interesting to you and move on to a part you really need.
From start of the video till 6:00 minutes I am explaining referencing requirements when using text books for assessments/essay writing.
From 6:00 – sharing with you the nursing books I use for studying and where to by it cheaper.
From 24:40 – sharing books I use for my own knowledge and where I buy it cheaper.
37:50 – how to avoid buying Harvard`s nursing guide to drugs if you are on a tight budget.
From 40:20 – explaining how reading resources at Uni work and books online for FREE.
And here is a list of Nursing Books for studying:
Wound Care Manual Book by Keryln Carville
Essentials of Law for Health Professionals Book by Debra Griffiths and Kim Forrester
Nursing Interventions & Clinical Skills by Anne Griffin Perry, Martha Keene Elkin, and Patricia Ann Potter
Potter & Perry’s Fundamentals of Nursing – Australian Version
Lewis’s Medical-surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems
Pearson international edition human anatomy and physiology, 8th and 10th editions by Elaine N Marieb, Katja N. Hoehn
Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States, 8th ed by Carol Mattson Porth
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Skills in Adult Nursing
by Jacqueline Randle
I hope this video would be useful for you 🙂 As always if you have any questions, please feel free to leave it in the comments section below this video.