NEET PG-Topic-Congenital Glaucoma Treatment-Ophthalmology

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#NEET #PGTopicCongenital #Glaucoma #TreatmentOphthalmology

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If cornea is clear:
• Safer method, but rare in India as:
• Gonioscopy should be used to look at the angle
• As pt. usually comes to the doctor very late
• And the cornea is no clearer and hazier.
• In hazy cornea it is difficult to perform Goniotomy
• Barkan’s membrane is punctured by a needle allowing aqueous outflow through trabecular meshwork & helps in ↓IOP
If cornea is hazy:
• Trabeculotomy
• Scleral approach to trabecular meshwork → small hole is made in trabecular meshwork→ Normal aqueous flow → ↓IOP
• Trabeculotomy + Trabeculectomy (TRAB+TRAB)
• TRAB+TRAB →Along with a small hole, a piece of Trabecular mesh work is removed for the normal aqueous flow – ↓IOP

NEET PG-Topic-Congenital Glaucoma Treatment-Ophthalmology

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