Louis Classes: Sonatomy – The Anatomy of a Sonata

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#Louis #Classes #Sonatomy #Anatomy #Sonata

Louis Classes options highly-acclaimed pianist and interesting raconteur, Louis Nagel, combining his beautiful enjoying along with his intensive musical perception and humor – this month, additional exploring the works of Beethoven!

Tune in as Louis delves deeper into the idea of how familiarity adjustments the best way we hear and play compositions, exploring one other of Beethoven’s most well-known works — the Moonlight Sonata (Piano Sonata No. 14).


This live performance is FREE, however your donations rather than ticket purchases are essential in serving to us help artists and proceed our mission!
► Donate to help this program: kerrytownconcerthouse.com/donate


This collection is generously funded by season underwriters Maurice & Linda Binkow.

Kerrytown Live performance Home is supported partly by funding from the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, the Nationwide Endowment for the Arts, and the Don Chisholm Mates of Jazz at Kerrytown Live performance Home.

#classicalpiano #beethoven #liveatthe415 #piano #louislessons #annarbor
#musichistory #musictheory #musicology

Louis Classes: Sonatomy – The Anatomy of a Sonata

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