Genital Ulcers: Chancre, Chancroid, LGV, Granuloma Inguinale, Herpes | USMLE | Medical MCQs

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#Genital #Ulcers #Chancre #Chancroid #LGV #Granuloma #Inguinale #Herpes #USMLE #Medical #MCQs


By the tip of this video, you’ll know:
– Several types of genital ulcers
– Painless vs Painful genital ulcers
– Lymphadenopathy
– Main syphilis
– Chancre
– Therapy
– Syphilis remedy in being pregnant
– Penicillin allergy in sufferers w syphilis
– Treponema pallidum
– Jarisch Herxeimer Response
– Lymphogranuloma venereum
– Doxycylcine
– inclusion our bodies
– Chlamydia trachomatis [L1-L3]
– Granuloma inguinale
– Klebsiella granulomatis
– Donovanosis
– Donovan our bodies
– Genital herpes
– Cowdry Sort A
– Acyclovir
– Chancroid
– Hemophilus ducreyi
– Azithromyicn
– Painless genital ulcer
– Painful genital ulcer
– Excessive yield for the USMLE Step 1

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Genital Ulcers: Chancre, Chancroid, LGV, Granuloma Inguinale, Herpes | USMLE | Medical MCQs

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