

Malrotation of a segment of intestine about its own mesenteric axis

Results in

  1. Partial / complete obstruction of lumen + proximal dilation
  2. Compromise of blood flow leading to ischaemia
  3. Infarction from venous congestion


Pre-disposing factors

  1. Anatomy - long narrow-based sigmoid mesentry prone to twisting
  2. High residue diet
  3. Chronic constipation 

Areas affected

  1. Small bowel
  2. Caecum
  3. Sigmoid colon (75%)


  1. History
  2. Examination
  3. Investigations
    • AXR - dilated loops of bowel extending diagonally
    • ABG - acidosis, lactate
  4. Treatment
    • Conservative: if no features of ischaemia (80% will resolve)
    • Sigmoidoscopy - diagnostic and therapeutic
    • Flatus tube insertion (can be left for 2-3 days)
    • Laparotomy for decompression (untwisting) with excision of redundant sigmoid colon (sigmoid colectomy + primary anastamosis)