Testicular cancer


  1. Primary 95%
    • Germ cell (seminoma, teratoma)
    • Non-germ cell
  2. Secondary 5%
    • Lymphoma
    • Metastatic (lymphoma, leukaemia, melanoma)

Risk factors

  1. Testicular maldescent (1/20 have malignancy)
  2. Mumps orchitis
  3. Trauma
  4. Maternal oestrogen exposure
  5. Genetics: 12p chromosomal abnormalities


Royal Marsden Hospital Staging system

  • I: Confined to testis
  • II: Confined to testis but with persistently raised tumour markers
  • III: Infradiaphragmatic node involvement
  • IV: both sides of diaphragm
  • V: Extralymphatic metastases 




  1. History
    • Risk factors - trauma, mumps, maledescent, maternal oestrogen
    • Genetics
  2. Examination
    • Regional nodes - drain to para-aortic
  3. Investigations
    • Blood tests: Tumour marker assay, aFP, LDH, HhcG
    • CXR: Pulmonary metastases
    • USS scrotum
    • Chest / abdominal CT - detection of metastases in retroperitoneum and mediastinum
  4. Treatment
    • Scrotal exploration: if diagnosis is uncertain; scrotum can be explored and possible tumour biopsy
    • Orchidectomy: if there is any doubt
    • Radiotherapy (seminomas highly radiosensitive)
    • Chemotherapy for advanced stage disease