- Malignancy
- Suspected malignancy
Orchidectomy Procedure
- Consent + marked + GA
- Access testicle via inguinal route (reduced risk of scrotal seeding)
- Inguinal incision 2cm above and parallel to medial 2/3 of inguinal ligament
- Incise through campers fatty fascia, scarpa's fascia to external oblique
- Split external oblique
- Free spermatic cord
- Apply 2 artery forceps to cord at deep ring (to prevent tumour dissemination)
- Remove testicle
- Divide cord between clamps, tie with non-absorbable sutures
- Manipulate testis into inguinal region,free from gaubernaculum by blunt dissection
- Remove and send for histological analysis
- Finish
- Close external oblique aponeurosis with absorbable sutures
- Close skin with subcuticular suture
- Apply scrotal support