USMLE Step 1 – Lesson 47 – Vitamin D

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#USMLE #Step #Lesson #Vitamin

Vitamin D3 is cholecalciferol and vitamin D2 is ergocalciferol. It helps the boy to soak up calcium and phosphate. Low ranges stimulate bone mineralization, excessive ranges stimulate bone resorption.

Parathyroid hormone is used to extend Calcium by growing reabsorption within the ascending loop of Henle, whereas deceasing phosphate reabsorption within the proximal tubule.

Vitamin D3 deficiency in kids results in rickets, and in adults: osteomalacia, bone ache and muscle weak point. Muscle spasms and cramps happen too.

In extra, hypercalcemia, hyperemia, stupor are all widespread.

Granulomatous illness generally presents as extra calcium.

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USMLE Step 1 – Lesson 47 – Vitamin D

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