
"Without mouth" - Joining of one viscus/vessel with another to establish continuity of flow



  1. End-to-end
  2. End-to-side (differing sizes of lumens)
  3. Side-to-side 


Uses Examples
Gastrointestinal Colorectal

Two layer technique (classical teaching)

  1. Full-thickness "all coats" continous suture - catches strong submucosa
  2. Seromuscular interrupted suture (Lembert stitch)

- Achieves inversion (low likelihood of anastamotic leakage)
- Inner layers haemostatic but prone to stangulation

Single layer technique (modern teaching)

  1. Interrupted seromuscular extramucosal suture on round-bodied needle

- Minimal damage to vascular plexus
- may cause less tissue trauma


  1. Linear: creates side-to-side anastamosis
    • Inserts 4 parallel linear rows and cuts in the middle
  2. Circular:
    • Unites bowel end-to-end

- Reduced anastamotic leakage
- Increased strictures

Tissue Glue


Suspection of leakage

  1. Unexplained pyrexia
  2. Tachycardia
  3. Prolonged ileus
  4. GI contents in drain 
Urology Uretero-ureterostomy
Ureteric bladder re-implantation
Ileal conduit / ileal pouch
Use absorbable sutures (non-absorbable causes stones)
Vascular / Cardiothoracics Coronary artery bypass grafts
Fem-pop bypass


  1. Permanently establish flow
  2. Avoid intimal disruption and turbulence
    • Pass needle within outwards
    • Smooth intimal suture line
    • Eversion of anastamosis 

Use non-absorbable suture

- Everted anastamosis (provides intact endothelial surface, low risk of thrombus)



  1. Bleeding / leakage / pseudoaneurysm
  2. Stenosis
  3. Thrombosis
  4. Distal embolism 
Transplant Renal transplant
Liver transplant
Plastic surgery Microvascular anastamosis  


Factors for successful anastamosis


Blood supply
Good approximation
No distal obstruction

Patient Resuscitated, warm, well perfused
Good nutrition
Surgical Appropriate sutures
Avoidance of watershed areas