False aneurysm

Aneursym pathology

  1. Definition
    • Abnormal localised dilation of an arterial blood vessel (cf varix of a vein)
  2. Causes
    • Traumatic
    • Inatrogenic
  3. Shape Classification
    • Fusiform
    • Saccular
    • False: cavity in a haematoma which connects with the lumen of the artery
  4. Pathological classification
    • True: all layers of arterial wall
    • False: partial laceration of vessel wall causing blood to leak out of the vessel into the surrounding tissues (same as a pulsating haematoma) - fibrous tissue forms around haematoma which then contracts, producing a false sac which contains thrombus but remains connected to the lumen of the damaged vessel: pulsation transmitted from the artery tends to increase the size of the cavity with time



  • Expose abdomen
  1. Inspection
    • Presence of surgical scars over the abdomen
  2. Palpation
    • Think about incisional herniaes over scar
    • Describe pulsatile swelling
    • Define anatomy of swelling: midline, lateral - ascertain artery involved
    • Continue to palpate femoral pulses
  3. Percussion
  4. Auscultation
    • May be bruit over swelling

Treatment options

  1. Observe and review
  2. USS compression of false aneurysm
  3. Thrombin injection
  4. Surgical repair