Osteoarthritis of the Hands


  • Expose hands and forearms
  • Place on white pillow or blanket with palm upwards


  1. Inspection

    • DIPJ swollen (Heberden's nodes)
    • Bouchard's nodes (PIPJ)
    • "Square hand" appearance (carpo-metacarpal joint involvement of the thumb)
  2. Palpation
    • Active movement
    • Passive movement
  3. Move
    • Active and passive movements of affected joints to define degree of reduction of movement
    • Functional assessment: unbuttoning shirt


  1. Examine the other joints for arthritis

Treatment options for osteoarthritis of the hands

  1. Non-sugical
    • Physiotherapy
    • Pain relief
  2. Surgical
    • Joint arthrodesis
    • Arthroplasty - swanson silicone trapezium implant