Post lobectomy / pneumonectomy


  • Position as for chest examination
  • Begin with hands
  • Expect to move directly to chest wall
  1. Inspect
    • Lateral thoractomy scar over chest wall (5/6th intercostal space and curves posteriorly and upwards ending midway between the spine of the scapula and the thoracic vertebral spaces)

    • Scars at sites of chest drains may be present
    • Muscle bulk over the side of scar may be reduced as parts of serratus anterior and latissmus dorsi may have been removed
  2. Palpation
    • Trachea deviated away from the side of surgery
    • Expansion will be reduced over the side of surgery
  3. Percussion
    • Hyper-resonant over the side of surgery
  4. Auscultation
    • Breath sounds harsher over the side of the pneumonectomy

Indications for lung resection

  1. Lobectomy = exicision of single lobe
  2. Pneumonectomy = excision of entire lung
  3. Sleeve resection = resection of lobe including bronchial origin with re-anastamosis of the proximal and distal bronchus