Enlarged kidney


  • Expose abdomen
  • Start with the hands


  1. Inspection
    • Likely to be normal
  2. Palpation
    • May be supraclavicular lymphadenopathy
    • Presence of mass in Left / right loins / upper quadrants
    • Distinguish from other masses
      1. Enlarged kidney descends with inspiration as it is pushed down the diaphragm
  3. Percussion
  4. Auscultation

Differential diagnoses

  1. Congenital
    • Cystic disease (including polycystic disease)
    • Horseshoe kidney
    • Hypertrophic single kidney
  2. Acquired
    • Disease specific to kidney - solitary cysts, (RCC) tumours, hydronephrosis, perinephric abscess, renal vein thrombosis
    • Systemic disease - diabetes, amyloidosis, SLE

Polycystic kidney disease

  Adult Infantile 
Inheritance Autosomal dominant Autosomal recessive 
Incidence 1 / 500  1 / 5000 - 40,000 
Genetics Chromosome 4,16
Age of presentation 30 - 50s  Perinatal 
Pattern of presentation

Loin pain

Large liver and kidneys
Chronic renal failure
Pattern of enlargement Asymmetrical Symmetrical 
Liver involvement Adult liver cysts common Always congenital hepatic fibrosis 
Other systemic involvement Incracranial aneurysms (Berry)
Colonic diverticulae
Mitral regurgitation
Prognosis Often require dialysis but good prognosis All die by age 20 

Presentation of Renal Cella carcinoma

  1. Usually in over 50s
  2. Triad of - haematuria, loin pain, mass
  3. Other presentations
    • Incidental
    • PUO
    • Anaemia of chronic disease
    • Polycythaemia (from EPO)
    • Raised ESR
    • Hypercalcaemia
    • Left sided varicocoele

  1. Tumour
    • Mass - direct pain, compression left renal vein giving varicocoele
    • Haematuria
    • Loin pain
    • Function - calcium, erythropoesis
  2. Distant spread
  3. Paraneoplastic syndrome
  4. Incidental on investigations
    • Thick, irregular wall
    • Extensive calcification within cavity or wall of cyst
    • Multilocular cysts



Management of renal cysts

  1. History
  2. Examination
  3. Investigations
    • Blood tests - usually normal
    • Renal USS: cyst with smooth outline; sharply defined thin wall and no internal echoes
  4. Treatment
    • Major differential diagnoses would be with a renal tumour and adult polycystic kidney disease