Epididymal cyst


  1. Arise in head of epididymis
  2. Multiple
  3. Occasionally occur as a complication of vasectomy 



  • Examine as for the scrotum

  1. Inspect
    • Scrotum will appear normal unless cyst is unusually large
  2. Palpate
    • Mass separate from testsis (within epididymis)
    • Firm, may be loculated
    • May be "brilliantly transilluminable" unless they contain sperm which case they do not transilluminate
    • Distinct from superficial inguinal ring (can get above mass)
  3. Percuss
  4. Auscultate


  1. Examine contralateral hemiscrotum

Management options

  1. Non-surgical
    • If not troublesome, should not be removed (esp younger men) - risk of operative damage and postoperative fibrosis causing subfertility
  2. Surgical
    • Excision