- Expose hands and forearms to elbows (exam for rheumatoid nodules here later!)
- Place on white pillow
- Look
- Bilateral symmetrical polyarthropathy
- Radial deviation of wrist
- Ulnar deviation of finger
- Volar subluxation of wrist joint
- Swelling of proximal interphalangeal joint (Bouchard's nodes - cf Heberden's nodes)
- Z-thumb appearance (flexion of interphalangeal joint and hyperextension of metacarpophalangeal joint)
- Swan-neck deformity
- Boutonniere deformity
- Wasting of dorsal interossei, best seen in first dorsal webspace
- Feel
- Palpate over any swollen joints to detect warmth and tenderness of acutely inflammed joints
- Palpate elbows (over subcutaneous border of the ulna) for rheumatoid nodules - present in 25% of patients, especially in active seropositive disease
- Sensory / Motor assessment
- Medial nerve may be affected (resulting in carpal tunnel syndrome)
- Functional assessment - unbuttoning of shirt, writing
- Ask for other joint involvment
- Examine rest of patient for associated features of rheumatoid arthritis
Ophthalmic - Episcleritis
- Scleritis
- Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
Respiratory - Pleural effusions
- Pulmonary fibrosis
Cardiac - Pericarditis
Reticuloendothelial - Lymphadenopathy
- Splenomegaly
- Felty's syndrome
Neurological - Multifocal neuropathies
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
Vascular - Vasculitis
- Ask how condition affects life
Investigation of Rheumatoid arthritis
- Blood tests
- Anaemia (1) of chronic disease (2) felty's (3) Autoimmune (4) bone marrow (5) iron deficiency from drugs
- Immunological - Rheumatoid factor (75% cases), ANA (30%), HLA-DR3/4
- X-rays
Treatment options for rheumatoid arthritis
- Non-surgical
- Surgical