- Uncommon ulcerative skin condition
- Associations
- Idiopathic: 50%
- IBD - UC, crohns
- Autoimmune: Rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis
- Myeloproliferative disorders- polycythemia rubra vera, myeloma
- Infection - tertiary syphilis, amoebiasis
- Iatrogenic - warfarin necrosis
- Examine as for ulcers
- Inspect
- ulcer with necrotic base
- Irregular bluish-red overhanging edges
- Associated with surrounding erythematous plaques with pustules
- Palpate
- History & Examine for evidence of
- Ulcerative colitis
- Crohn's
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Medical
- Treat underlying condition
- Saline cleansing
- Steroids
- Antibiotics
- Surgical
- Serial allograft followed by autologous skin graft or muscle flap coverage when necessary