Hiadrenitis suppurativa


  1. Hidarenitis suppurativa
    • Chronic recurrent infection of apocrine sweat glands
    • Thought to be antigen-antibody reaction with blockage of follicular secretions
    • Abcesses form recurrently and causes characteristic permanent disfiguration of the skin
  2. Usually affects young women
  3. Prevalence 0.3-0.4% in industrialised countries


  • Examine as for any lump

  1. Inspect
    • Skin thickened and may ulcerate
    • "watering can" sinuses may be seen
    • Look for signs of activa current infection (tenderness / increased temperature / erythema)


  1. Ask about symptoms arising from the condition - how it affects life
  2. Any other affected areas - groin, perineum
  3. Predisposing factors - diabetes


  1. Well-localised abscess
    • incision and drainage under antibiotic cover
  2. Large lesion
    • radical excision and full-thickness skin graft usually harvested from groin or abdomen