Surface anatomy of the head and neck

Cervical plexus


  1. Lesser occipital nerve (posterior border of sternocleidomastoid)
  2. Great auricular nerve passing to angle of jaw and lower ear
  3. Transverse cervical nerve: runs anteriorly over sternocleidomastoid
  4. Supraclavicular nerves: pass inferiorly over clavicle and palpable on it

Hyoid & Larynx


  1. Hyoid bone: greater cornu palpable
  2. Thyroid cartilage
  3. Cricoid cartilage


Spinal root of accessory nerve and carotid arteries


  1. Spinal root of accessory nerve
    • Deep to tragus of ear (exits through jugular foramen with 9,10)
    • Lateral to transverse process of atlas
    • Enters posterior triangle of neck 1/3 down the posterior border of sternocleidomastoid
    • Enters trapezius one third up its anterior border
  2. Carotid arteries
    • Common carotid artery commences behind sternoclavicular joint
    • Common carotid artery bifurcates at level of upper thyroid cartilage (C4)
    • Internal carotid artery lies behind neck of mandible
    • External carotid and its branchs


Salivary glands


  1. Parotid gland
    • Duct palpable as passess lateral to masseter
    • Perforates buccinator and enters mouth at level of 2nd molar tooth
    • small accessory parotid glands often enter directly into the duct
    • Deep part of gland extends medially between the ramus of the mandible and the mastoid process
  2. Submandibular gland
    • Lies deep to mandible, extends inferior to it
    • Duct on each side opens in floor of mouth on summit of own sublingual papilla
  3. Sublingual gland
    • Lies beneath mucous membrane of floor of mouth under tongue
    • Numerous ducts open directly into floor of mouth


Jugular Veins in neck

  1. Right subclavian vein
  2. Right brachiocephalic vein
  3. Right internal jugular vein
  4. Right external jugular vein
  5. Right posterior auricular vein
  6. Posterior division of right retromandibular vein
  7. Right anterior jugular vein
  8. Right transverse cervical vein