- Pyramidal shaped fibromuscular glandular organ
- Surrounds prostatic urethra
- Resembels the size and shape of a "chestnut"
- Prostatic capsules: (1) True capsule - thin fibrous sheath surrounds gland (2) false capsule - condensed extraperitoneal fascia which continues into the fascia surrounding the bladder
- Blood supply: branches of inferior vesicle artery (br internal iliac)
- Venous drainage: receives dorsal vein of penis, drains into internal iliac vein
- Superiorly
- Continous with neck of bladder
- Urethra enters upper aspect of prostate near anterior border
- Inferiorly
- Apex of prostate rests on external sphincter of bladder
- Anteriorly
- Pubic symphysis separated by extraperitoneal fat of the "cave ofRetzius" or retropubic space
- Close agains thte prostate in this space is the prostatic plexus of veins
- Apex of prostate = pubuprostatic ligament (condensation of fibrous tissue)
- Posteriorly
- Lies rectum separated by fascia of Denonvilliers
- Laterally
- Levator ani
- Pouch containing testes and coverings
- Skin is thin, pigmented, rugose and marked by median longitudinal raphe
- Richly endowed with sebaceous glands
- Contains no fat but does contain involuntary dartos muscle
Testis & Epididymis
- Left lies higher than right
- Contained in white fibrous capsule (tunica albuginea)
- Anteriorly invaginated into tunica vaginalis
- Epididymis (expanded head, body, pointed tail inferiorly)
- Blood supply: testicular artery (br aorta)
- Internal structure: 200-300 lobules containing seminiferous tubules, anastamose with rete testes, pass to head of epididymis
Testicular development
Arises germinal ridge of mesoderm in posterior wall of abdomen
Enlarges, undergoes caudal migration
Gaubernaculum "rudder" strand guides into scrotum (rarely fragments of adjacent developing organs - spleen, suprarenal - caught up and carried into scrotum)