Ischaemia & Infarction


  • Abnormal reduction in blood supply to or drainage from an organ or tissue
  • Infarction is the result of cessation of the blood supply to or drainage from an organ or tissue


Classification of causes

  1. Local
    • Arterial obstruction: thrombus, embolus, artheroma, pressure, spasm
    • Venous: thrombus, pressure, stasis
    • Capillary obstruction: vasculitis (meningococcal septicaemia, drugs), obstruction (sickle cell)
    • External pressure
  2. General
    • Hypoxaemia
    • Anaemia
    • V/Q defect


Factor determining the extent of ischaemic damage in arterial obstruction

  1. Tissue involved - brain low reserve
  2. Speed of onset
  3. Degree of obstruction
  4. Presence of collaterals
  5. Level of oxygenation
  6. Presence of concomitant heart failure
  7. State of microcirculation