Risk factors for developing incisional herniae
- Surgical
- Careless suturing
- Inappropriate material
- Local
- Haematoma
- Infection
- Patient
- Malnutrition
- Obesity
- Jaundice
- Immunosuppression
Procedure for repair
- Optimise patient pre-operatively (repair often fails)
- GA + supine
- Dissect down to hernia
- Incision made over hernia
- Hernia sac dissected out
- Incision deepened around margins og hernia until healthy aponeurosis identified
- Reduce hernia
- Sac opened
- Contents returned to peritoneal cavity
- Close defect
- if < 4cm can be closed with interrupted nylon
- If large: close with tension-free Prolene mesh repair sutured to anterior rectus sheath with interrupted absorable sutures at 2cm intervals
- Finish