Agitation / sedation


Acute confusional state



  1. Brain
    • Trauma
    • Medications: opiates, sedatives, anticholinergics
  2. Infection
    • Sepsis
  3. Cardio-Respiratory
    • Hypoxaemia
    • Hypotension
  4. Metabolic
    • BM
    • Hyponatraemia / hypernatraemia
    • Dehydration / overload
  5. Urinary
    • Urine retention
  6. GI
    • Constipation


  1. Reassure
  2. Familiar surroundings
  3. History
  4. Examination
  5. Investigations
    • ABG
    • BM
    • FBC
    • LFTs
    • Electrolytes
    • Sepsis screen - cultures, wound swab, urine dip, stool culture, sputum culture
    • CXR
    • ECG


  • Anxiolytic
  • Analgesic
  • Amnesic
  • Hypnotic



  • Benzodiazepines: diazepam, midazolam
  • IV anaesthetics: propofol, ketamine
  • Inhaled agents: NO
  • Opiates: morphine, pethidine, fentanyl
  • Trichoroethanol - Chloral hydrate
  • Butyrophenones - Haloperidol
  • Phenothiazines 

Determining level of sedation

Ramsay scoring system - ideal sedated patient is level 2-4

  1. Anxious/agitated
  2. Co-operative, tranquil
  3. Responds to commands only
  4. Asleep; brisk response to glabellar tap/stimulus
  5. Asleep; sluggish response
  6. Asleep; no response