Small bowel resection
- Ischaemia, infarction, necrosis
- Tumour
- GA + NGT + Antibiotics / Supine position
- Midline incision
- Deliver diseased segment into wound
- Protect wound edges (with swabs - minimise sepsis)
- Apply 2 non-crushing clamps to occlude bowel either side of disease segment
- Incise peritoneum of mesentery along chosen line for division of vessels (transilluminate, then tie with absorbable sutures)
- Place crushing clamps at 30' angle to bowel and divide close to clamp - allows better perfusion of anti-mesenteric border
- Cut across bowel with knife, remove diseased section
- Cover cut ends with antiseptic soaked swabs
- If bowel ends do not bleed (usually poor blood supply) - resect until health tissue reached
- Perform anastamosis (two layers - inner including submucosa + outer lembert stitch)
- Posterior wall first: seromuscular continous
- Full thickness suture (double ended)
- Check anastamosis - if looks dusky; wait, observe
- Close defect (including mesentry - prevents gut herniation) with interrupted sutrues
- Close abdominal wall