- Septum transversum (central tendon)
- Pleuro-peritoneal mesodermal membranes
- Dorsal oesophageal mesentry
- Cervical myotomes (muscular input into septum transversum before descent)
Congenital hernias:
- Foramen of Bochdalek (failed pleuro-peritoneal membrane) - occurs on posterior left hand side
- Forman of Morgagni (anterior)
- - Oesophageal hiatus
- - Dome
Gross Anatomy
Blood supply
- Lower 5 intercostal arteries
- Subcostal arteries
- Inferior phrenic arteries
- Internal thoracic artery gives (1) pericardiophrenic artery (2) musculophrenic artery
Nerve supply
- Phrenic
- Intercostals
- T8:
- Right phrenic
- T10:
- Oesophagus
- Vagus nerves
- T12:
- Aorta
- Azygous vein
- Thoracic duct