
The Spleen

  • Size of a cupped hand; lies 9-11 ribs
  • Forms left lateral extremity of lesser sac
  • Ligaments - gastrosplenic, lienorenal
  • Notched: hilum
  • Blood supply: splenic artery


  • Posterior: left diaphragm
  • anterior: stomach
  • Inferior: splenic flexure
  • Medially: left kidney


Functions of the spleen

  1. Filtration - removal of old/abnormal red blood cells, white cells, platelets and cellular debris
  2. Immunological - produces opsonin, antibody synthesis and protection from infection
  3. Storage: 35% platelets are stored in spleen

Features in trauma to suspect splenic injury

  • Direct blunt trauma
  • Guarded tender abdomen
  • Low rib fractures (9-11 ribs)
  • Shock
  • Shoulder tip pain (phrenic nerve)