- Median Sternotomy
Posterio-lateral thoracotomy
Access to hilum and pleural cavity
Curved incision 2cm below scapula
Dissect through skin, fat
Divide latissimus dorsi fibres
Spread off serratus anterior
Divide through intercostal muscles (at level of 5th rib - count from second rib)
Enter pleural cavity
Appose ribs
Sew deep fascia onto intercostal muscles
Close serratus anterior layer
Sew latissimus dorsi
Close skin
Emergency Thoracotomy
- Penetrating injury with cardiac arrest
- Massive thoracic bleeding
- Positioned obliquely with ipsilateral hip and shoulder supported on sandbags
- Submammary incision made starting near midline and extending into axilla
- Pass through all layers to enter chest in 5th ICS
- Ribs separated with spreader
- Pericardium can be opened anteriorly and parallel to phrenic nerve - decompress tamponade