

  • Ensure accurate bloodless field
  • Prevent systemic toxicity in isolated limb perfusion with cytotoxic drugs
  • biers block (guanethidine block)




  • Peripheral vascular disease
  • Elderly (relative)
  • Patients at risk of DVT when operating on lower limbs


  1. Give agent / iv first - can take up to 5 minutes for systemic circulation
  2. Elevate limb, exsangiunate (with "exsanguinator" / esmarch bandage)
  3. Apply soft padding
  4. Apply tourniquet; inflate to >70-100mmHg systolic
  5. Note tourniquet time
  6. Warm anaesthestist prior to tourniquet release

Lower limb 90-120 minutes
Upper limb



  1. Tourniquet site
    • Skin: friction burns / chemical burns if applied to skin
    • Nerve: Compression leads to neuropraxia
  2. Distal to tourniquet
    • Vascular: Ishaemia / thrombosis
    • Muscular: reperfusion injury (1) free radials released into hypoxic tissues (2)
  3. Systemic
    • Haemodynamic changes at time to inflation/deflation
    • Tissue hypoxia / cell lysis - raised lactate/acidosis, hyperkalaemia
    • Hypercoagulability
    • PE