
Red cell precursors

  • Myeloblasts
  • Myelocytes
  • Early normoblasts
  • Late normoblasts
  • Reticulocytes 



Normocytic Macrocytic
  1. Iron deficiency anaemia
  1. Haemolytic
  2. Anaemia of chronic disease
  1. B12 (3 year stores in liver - functions as co-enzyme) / Folate (3 months stores - used to produce methionine from homocysteine)
  2. Alcoholism (leading to B12, folate), liver damage
  3. Thyroid disease
  4. Renal failure


Megaloblastic Anaemia

  • Megaloblast = abnormal nucleated cell not usually found in the body, present in BM and occasionally found in peripheral blood
  1. B12
    • Functions as co-enzyme to produce methionine from tetrahydrofolate 
    • 3 years store
    • Deficiency in (1) Pernicious anaemia GPC antibodies (2) partial/total gastrectomy (3) failure to absorp from terminal ileum
  2. Folate
    • Tetrahydrofolate used to form methionine from homocysteine
    • 3 months store in liver
    • Deficiency (1) inadequate intake or excess demand in pregnancy (2) vegans (3) drugs which have an anti-folate action 



Haemolytic anaemia

  1. Congenital
    • Membrane abnormalities: spherocytosis (spectrin), elliptocytosis, abetalipoproteinaemia
    • Abnormal Haemoglobinopathies: SCC, HbC, HbD, thalassaemia
    • Enzyme deficiency: G6PD, pyurvate kinase, glutathione synthetase deficiency
  2. Acquired
    • Immune
    • Mechanical - artificial heart valves, microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia


  • low Hb, normochromic normocytic - macrocytic (raised Red cell distribution width)
  • Raised reticulocyte count
  • Excess unconjugated bilirubin



Proportion of total blood volume that consists of red cells
Expressed as percentage / fraction
Normally = 0.4 - 0.45

Determines oxygen-carrying capacity of blood
Determines blood viscosity



  1. Red cell volume
    • Blood loss
  2. Plasma volume
    • Loss of water
    • Plasma expansion - pregnancy