Down's syndrome

Chromosomal abnormality

Three copies of chromosome 21

  1. Non-disjunction (esp mothers > 40 years)
    • Non-disjunction of a gamete: one progeny gets TWO chromosomes (and the other one gets none) which is then fertilised by a normal gamete from the other parent enduing up with THREE copies of chromosomes.
    • Usually maternally derived extra copy
  2. Translocation (rare)
    • Parents phenotypically normal but have a balanced translocation
    • Chr 23 +Chr 23 / Ab Cr 22; get's one Chr 23 from mum, one Chr23 from dad and AbCr22+Down's shit
  3. Mosaism
    • 1/100 cases
    • Normal ovum
    • Non-disjunction after the blastocysts starts to develop



  • Congenital heart defects: PDA, VSD, ASD
  • Neoplasia
  • Increased incidence glue ear