Inflammation of the vermiform appendix
Most cases are idiopathic.
- Lumen: mucosal appendicitis
- Foreign material
- Faeces
- Worms: strongyloides, ascaris lumbricoides
- Parasites: oesophagostomiasis
- Wall: transmural appendicitis
- Infection: Viral (CMV, adenovirus), bacterial (TB, yersinia), amoebae, schistosomes
- Inflammation: UC, crohn's, pseudomembranous colitis
- Ischaemia: ischaemic colitis, congenital stricture, iatrogeni
- Outside wall: Serosal appendicitis
- Ovaries - salpingitis/oophritis
- Endometriosis
- Diverticular disease
- Clinical findings
- Periumbilical colicky pain (visceral peritoeneum)
- Migrates to RIF (parietal peritoneum)
- Specific features
- McBurney's point pain
- Rosving's sign: Deep palpation of RIF causes pain in RIF - confused visceral peritoneum (also positive in bladder, uterus, descending colon, fallopian tubes, ovaries inflammation)
- Psoas sign: flexed right hip where appendix is lying over psoas muscle
- Rectal tenderness: from pelvic appendix
- Emergency - acute appendicitis
- Elective - "interval" appendiciectomy after intial conservative treatment (of appendix mass)
Open Procedure
- GA + Antibiotics + supine position
- Access appendix
- McBurney's incision (90' to imarginary line) / Lanz incision (cosmetically better) / High up in RUQ in children
- Skin, fat (campers fascia), scarpa's fascia
- Incise external oblique aponeurosis in line of fibres, expose internal oblique (if too medial will see rectus sheath)
- Split internal oblique fibres transversely, enlarge defect
- Pick up peritoneum between 2 clips, incise with scalpel - turbid fluid indicates appendicitis (send this off to microbiology)
- Identify caecum (has teniae) and deliver into wound [enlarge incision if difficult/impossible to deliver]
- Remove appendix
- Hold appendix with 2 tissue forceps (Babcocks)
- Divide mesoappendix (hold up to light to see blood vessels)
- Apply purse string (buries appendix stump) with 2/O
- Crush appendix base (facilitates secure knot tying) and ligate proximally with O suture.
- Remove appendix, bury stump by tightening purse string
- Suck out free fluid, wash out peritoneal cavity
- Close wound in layers
Laproscopic Appendicectomy
Especially young female patients - where diagnosis uncertain, imaging has failed to exclude gynaecological cause.
- GA / Possible conversion to open
- Establish pneumoperitoneum
- Trendelburg position
- Infraumbilical incision
- Open peritoneum under direct vision
- Insert trochar
- Insufflate gas
- Inspect appendix
- 5mm port RIF under direct vision
- 5mm port LIF
- Grasp caecum and move towards spleen
- Aspirate free fluid (send for cytology)
- Remove appendix
- Grasp appendix with forceps
- Dissect from mesentry using hook diathermy introduced through right port
- Ligate at base using pre-tied Vicryl ligature + second distal to first one
- Divide and remove under direct vision
- Peritoneal lavage
- Close fascial defects with absorbable sutures + steri-strips to skin
If appendix normal - look for other causes:
- Gynae: ovaries, fallopian tubes, ectopic pregnancy
- Gut: meckel's, sigmoid diverticulitis
- Paediatric: look for mesenteric adenitis
Insert drain if abscess present
- Increased risk of right hernia