Lateral wall Sphenoid Meningoencephalocele (Brain Herniation into the Sinus).

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#Lateral #wall #Sphenoid #Meningoencephalocele #Brain #Herniation #Sinus

This is a patient with an active leak of fluid around the brain into the nose. This was due to raised intracranial pressure which led to herniation of the brain into the sphenoid sinus. The herniated part of the brain was hugged by the optic nerve above and the Carotid artery behind. The herniated brain was removed and the defect was closed in multiple layers with dural substitute, bath plug fat graft, fascia lata and a gasket seal with sliced cartilage.

We offer some of our unaffordable patients the choice of allowing us the rights to use their case as a teaching and training tool. We love training young ENT surgeons and help these poor patients get the quality treatment they deserve.

Lateral wall Sphenoid Meningoencephalocele (Brain Herniation into the Sinus).

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