Laparoscopic splenectomy in a affected person with agenesis of the dorsal pancreas – vessels first method

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#Laparoscopic #splenectomy #affected person #agenesis #dorsal #pancreas #vessels #method

A 19-year-old male affected person (top 127 cm, weight 23 kg, BMI 14,7) with symptomatic spherocytic anemia, splenomegaly and cholelithiasis.

He has additionally

a number of congenital anomalies syndrome:

tetralogy of Fallot, DiGeorge syndrome, cleft lip and palate, partial adactylia, clubfeet, epilepsy,
congenital optic nerve hypoplasia, vesicoureteral reflux, agenesis of the dorsal pancreas, GERD,
hidden spina bifida, pituitary hypoplasia, main development hormone deficiency, electrolyte issues


Because of signs of spherocytosis and cholelithiasis, the affected person was submitted to laparoscopic splenectomy and cholecystectomy


The video reveals the complete process of splenectomy (2x velocity)


Laparoscopic splenectomy in a affected person with agenesis of the dorsal pancreas – vessels first method

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