#Foot #amp #Ankle #Orthopedic #Anatomy #Series #Exploring #Body
OrthoCarolina, a national leader in orthopedics is partnering with Experience Anatomy, a premier anatomy education provider specializing in training and education with true human specimens for an educational series of events you don’t want to miss.
We’ve shifted this series to be a complete virtual experience where we will discuss a variety of orthopedic topics in-depth and answer your questions during the live stream.
In today’s world of orthopedics, people often find themselves wondering what happens behind the procedure.
As OrthoCarolina surgeons discuss the injuries that affect you most, Experience Anatomy will tell you what to know about your body before, during and after treatment. We’ll discuss new techniques, injuries and topics that matter to you most and answer your frequently asked questions LIVE.
Watch where it’s convenient for you. We’ll be live streaming on our social channels for each event @orthocarolina.
#YouImproved #FootandAnkle #sprains #fractures #bunions #achilles #anklepain #footpain #YourCareYourWay