#EUA #rectum #circular #anal #dilator #CAD #crucial #rectal #prolapse #surgery
EUA rectum with a circular anal dilator (CAD) is crucial before, during and after rectal prolapse correction surgery: “Getting it right first time”. A video vignette. This video is associated with a text under submission for publication in the journal Colorectal Disease.
John Bunni and Edward D Courtney
Consultant Colorectal Surgeons, Department of Colorectal Surgery, Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
Combe Park, Bath, BA1 3NG, UK
E-mail: johnbunni@nhs.net
Video associated with Colorectal Disease Journal (published by Wiley and associated with the Association of Coloproctology Great Britain and Ireland (ACPGBI), European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) and Spanish Society of Coloproctology (SSC). The videos on this channel are there for illustrative purposes only and the ideas, approaches and procedures shown in them are in no way recommended or endorsed by Colorectal Disease, its owner, editors or publisher.